
Text over Text. A Shadow Without the Shadow Effect (Quark Xpress)

A common mistake (Quark Xpress Project)

You fix this, adding some distance from the text to the box edges, using Modify>Text


MARCH 11: Cover of a magazine

Exercise using Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark Xpress
For more information on this exercise go on this blog to the right side of the screen: Archives>September 2005

Logo White Horse

Use the Photoshop's "pen tool" to make a selection of the horse
Save the path
Copy an paste (fully editable) on Illustrator
Work the logo on Illustrator.


The Pen tool (to create a logo to work on the business card)

To get shapes from Photoshop to create a logo with Illustrator you can use the Pen Tool. The pen tool is a more precise tool for selection of pixels than the other tools we used in the class: The magic wand, the lasso, the magnetic lasso.
You make a selection, then you save the selection as a path and copy that path from Photoshop. You paste it onto your Illustrator document.